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About Us

We’re here to give Go-getters & Dreamchasers that daily inspiration needed to remember why you started your journey.

Buddy Canvas was actually stumbled upon by accident.

Whenever our founder, Abs, felt demotivated or distracted from his goals, he would often watch YouTube videos or read up on his favourite inspirational quotes first thing in the morning to help him refocus.

Coming from a multimedia background, he decided to design and print off a few quotes from his favourite entrepreneurs to help keep those reassuring words front of mind.

When friends visited they instantly fell in love with them, asking him to create some for them. Those same friends had people asking them where to get them from... and thus the concept of Buddy Canvas was born.

We've been supplying canvases to individuals for the past 12months or so, but as demand increased, we couldn't ignore the opportunity to bring our concept to the rest of the world.

We're based one of the cities where people come to make it happen: London. Being go-getters ourselves, we know how challenging it is to stay motivated when journeying toward success!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more about what we do, or drop us a call or message - we'd love to hear from you!